Clean Water Indiana Grant Awarded to Cardinal Greenway for Invasive Species Removal

Clean Water Indiana Grant Awarded to Cardinal Greenway for Invasive Species Removal


Cardinal Greenway, Inc. recently received a $3000 grant from Clean Water Indiana to remove 22 large Tree of Heaven trees in three different locations along the Greenway. These trees are host to the invasive and destructive spotted lantern fly. If any funds remain, large white mulberry will also be removed along the trail. Controlling invasive species such as poison hemlock and bush honeysuckle along the 62-mile Cardinal Greenway are constant challenges! Staff of the Cardinal Greenway partnered with Clair Burt of the Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District, to write and submit this grant. Delaware Co. Invasive Plant Project (DIPP), the local chapter of State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM) continues to work in conjunction with Cardinal Greenway staff to identify, treat, and remove invasives along the trail.